Five working days, five top news stories...
1. User-Generate Content Strikes Again
Marketing Magazine announced Eurostar's launch of its user-generated storytelling campaign #WhenInParis as of the 20th October. A simple concept but a highly emotive and engaging one. Good job.
2. Need Words For That?
The new site, featured on The Next Web, helps you to find a word to describe any situation when you can't think of something witty. Simply post a scenario and users can submit words that best describe the situation.
3. What's In A Name?
In an article interviewing five unique fashion brands, united by their driving initiative, Monocle revealed (once again) that revealing the story behind the scenes is crucial to making genuine connections with customers.
4. Do Story
A new book that we've fallen for from the wonderful Bobette Buster, offers a guide to the necessary storytelling tools and one of her chosen quotes really stuck with us; "A life unexamined is not worth living" - Socrates.
5. Leading Lady
We're absolutely ecstatic to announce that our MD has made into the final for Dorset's Business Woman of The Year(yee-ha!). The awards will be in November so we'll be sure to keep you updated!