The Friday Five: 40th Edition

G'day, Ladies and Gents! Here's what's happening this week (apart from the never-ending rain) ...

1. Copycat

New York designer, Tom Ford, has knocked-off a knock-off, by re-imagining Jay-Z's counterfeit jersey - with sequins!

2. Here's WhatsUp

Ubiquitous social network, Facebook, has spent a whopping $19 billion acquiring messaging application WhatsApp.

3. Smiley Face

New research suggests that the human brain now reacts to emoticons in the same way it reacts to real faces.

4. The "Outernet"

An organisation known as the Media Development Investment Fund, plans to implement free global Wi-Fi using satellite technology.

5. Don't be a Glasshole

Following trials of wearable Smart tech Google Glass, Google have posted a list of Dos and Don'ts to avoid being a "Glasshole".

Have a good one, and make sure to be excellent to each other,
